i have a virgin po6, i have a virgin p72.
i want to give the p72 to some fella who would willingly socket and convert my po6 to vtec. I have 3 or 4 chips and a buddy with a chip burner but i need my ecu socketed…and converted to vtec.


Wait, so you want to trade your p72 to someone who will de-solder your p06?

Theres a kit you have to buy to swap to vtec. You also need to know the board number before ordering the kit. So have it next to you when ordering.

And you want to trade your vtec gsr P72 for a basically chipped to vtec po6???

he lives

I will socket it for a fee

thats nice of you

I can socket and convert it, how fast do you need it done?

I heard this dude socketed his sister.

HOLY shit.


LOL + rep.

Dammit, took the words right out of my mouth!



ok cocksuckers i know theres a kit on xenocron i know what you have to do i dont solder very well i am shaky and dont have patience, im saying ive got a “free” gsr computer for anyone whos got the “kit” and can socket/convert it for me…i already have chips i just need a socketd/converted po6 ecu, which is pretty simple because i HAVE a po6 (1720) in my hands right now, you could prolly sell the p72 for 80-120, and all you gotta do is make my po6 accept a chip and have vtec… how fucking hard is that to nderstand, and i fucking explained the whole misunderstanding with that fucking bullshit about my sister and you fucking morons keep going with it over a fucking year later…

Yoooooo didnt you fuck your sister???

no i didnt fuck face. i told you all a fucking hundred times i put up the only pic of this girl kayleigh and my step sister was on my left side and she was on my right…i said i fcked dwith her friend not her you stupid sick fucks can you let it the fuck go honestly its been over a year

negged for lying

dude GTFO of this thread go fuck yourself. im trying to get help with something i NEED for my car and your fucking up the thread GTFO.

Pics of sister. We’ll let it go if she’s hot because then who could really blame you for hittin dat.

i already putup a pic…the one wherei supposedly claimed fucking her