Does IE7 Require Training?

I am happy wiht it so far,and it is not hard to use at all,now if only i had a spell checker…

it doesnt take long at all. Ive had it for about a month or so maybe alittle longer. And im use to it now.

We currently still use IE5 where I work. Most of our applications support 6 and above. But our pay program (TimeStar) does not support andthing higher then 5.05, so thats what most end users have. Not to mention we can’t use it since most of our workstations run 2000, and IE7 is not supported on it.

I like that they added tabbed browsing to IE, and I like that the new tab opens next to the current one, instead ot out at the far right (firefox). My laptop doesn’t have a middle click, so it’s a little bit of a pita to right-click, then choose open in new tab, but it’s still better than not having tabs.

One thing I don’t like about 7, is that the “home” button is so far over on the right. I haven’t figured out how to move it over to the left yet. Anybody have an answer? Flame if you like, I’m in sales…

I can’t seem to find the “find” feature from the previous IE’s with IE7

To like find text on a page?

ctrl + F or Edit -> Find on page

It was nice in Firefox just hitting “/” to search, but ctrl + F hasn’t been too bad, although I do notice a slight delay.

for some odd reason, I dont have file, edit etc. it was default