Doing this on a motorcycle is easy... but in a car...?

btw what kinda car is that?

im going to guess a mk3 vw

whatever it is, it’s got a cage in it. At first i thought it wasn’t too crazy, then he started splitting lanes…

one of my best friends drove like this everwhere for about 2 years straight.

is he dead now?


What a dick.

The music really made that video. ha

I was hoping he ass-ended the semi towards the end

so basically its a vid of him driving like a tool through highway traffic? sweet :roll:

I missed the part where that clip was impressive. There was nothing remotely cool or that even made me cringe in there. I’m sure we’ve all driven like ass holes in traffic (I know I do atleast one week per summer), but this clip, to this day, make me go “OH SHIT” “WATCH OUT!!!” multiple times every time I watch it.

Whats even worse is that the video is sped up to make it even more lame :puke:

Wow, Nice

yeah, that’s nuts. I had seen that before. But i always thought it was a ivic hatch. lol. That thing fucking pulls.

its just a video of him passing people in traffic, its sped up to make it look more dramatic.

:word: I want my 2:51 back.

I drive like that a lot, not very impressed.

that’s pretty stupid.

The music made the vid.

End of story.

I was more impressed that he didn’t put his head throught the window roxbury style…

like Newman said, i dont think the vid looked crazy untill he did those 2 passes splitting the lanes, other than that, its nothin special