Another retard with balls of steel

Looks like the same vid Onyx posted in Will’s thread. He’s a total psycho.

I honestly thought it’d be crazier, he’s just flying in everyday traffic between cars

When he starts to zig and zag while splitting is where my balls ended up in my stomach.

It’s only a matter of time…

Yeah that’s in the pants poopin thread. That guy is crazy.

i dont ride as fast as him, but ive had my moments where ive split cars many times over

Dude’s just asking for it. I saw this a while back in Willy’s thread and I kept imagining a car changing lanes, a door opening, etc.

Straight up balls in the stomach.

lol it would have be a lot better if someone opened a door when he was going slow…after all that 100mph+ stuff

He spends enough time in the WRONG lane…

Organ donor…waiting for it.

See Avatar.

i ride like that, except im usually going faster and on one wheel the entire time.

yea, the front wheel. bad-asssssssssss

Jason isn’t kidding, I’ve seen it. He kicked a little kids ice cream from his hand at 100mph, that kid will never forget that.

^^^ hahaha, the mental image of this happening is just too much…

Crazy vid though. Maybe the guy has no adrenal glands or something.

what a fuckin asshole

I was waiting on the epic crash, i guess ill wait for his next video… err if there is one haha

that was insane but he shoulda have got a better camera haha

i couldn’t agree more.
just another asshole attention whore giving all bikers a bad name.

How can he call himself the black devil and be riding a yellow bike.