dear dumbf**k on the red bike.....

ripping a wheelie down a residential street at 50+ was real smart. There are families with kids out at yard sales right down the street. I sincerely hope you ride directly into a fucking wall.

If I see you coming again, please look out for the brick that will be heaved your way. Jesus people are fucking idiots.


People, especially many on sport bikes, will continue to put others into danger for their own pleasure. Fortunately karma tends to catch up with them.

I would recommend a nice picture of them in full wheelie with the license plate in frame over the brick idea.

I’ve always said the same thing. You wanna ride wheelies it’s cool…but do it off public roads where you can’t potentially damage private property or injure people. If you do ride a wheelie around me, I’d think you were WAY cooler and get much more amusement out of you falling backwards and smashing your skull to a bloody pulp. Just try not to get any brain matter on my whip.

K Thanks BYE.

Never done a wheely before but I’ll say this:

Dear dumbf**k in the cage,
Stop texting, stop talking on the phone, reading the newspaper, a book, putting on makeup and watchout for motorcycles.

If I see you coming again, please look out for my middle finger and being followed to wherever your destination is.


i once tried to do a wheelie on my ninja 250…

is it stupid? yes. is it dangerous? yes. should it be stopped? yes. but a brick? who are you to take that man’s life in your hands

Throwing a brick at him will land you in jail for murder, or in the very least, attempted murder.

karma only comes back at ya if ya believe in it, hes gonna wheelie all day and nothing will happen nor will anyone do anything

LOL…that’s awesome. I think we all used to want to believe in “karma”. The reality is like you said…it only effects people that believe in it. “Karma” is served by other people, not some magical force of nature.

Just delete this thread already, full of ignorance and retardation.


Btw i’d like to get all the ppl who think hurting a rider will teach them a lesson and take them out hunting…I have horrible aim unfortunately.

You fucking idiots.

I never said I wanted to hurt a rider…or hurt anyone for that matter. I said I would snicker if THEY hurt THEMSELVES by being retarded and acting like “fucking idiots”.

I have pretty good aim. What were you thinking of hunting? We could play it safe and rock out to Duck Hunt on Nintento…maybe you can practice some before we go into the woods? You related to Dick Cheney at all? GULP! J/K

open your door next time

might as well just delete this whole forum while u are at it.

I did a wheel in my car on zee highway, will you chuck bricks plz?

you did a wheel?!?! THE WHOLE THING?!

We already had this conversation.

Yep, and it’s the same stupid fuck responses.

i liked my response :frowning:

honestly go fuck yourself

if your willing to kill someone then you are just as bad id love to find out what street you are talking about