dear dumbf**k on the red bike.....



I disagree with the brick comment but since reading this forum I have lower tolerance for riders stupidity. Mainly riding like a douche with people on the back, having 0 real riding gear except for a helmet and being a tool on residential streets… I would not want to cause their demise in any way but i would not feel bad for them in the slighest if they did rack themselves in the back of a car.

I ride a bike!

I’m harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd.


Wishing harm upon anyone is stupid, and those who have commented on karma and wished harm on some one will learn that karma goes both ways. Riding a wheelie on a residential street isn’t smart, but I see people doing much more dangerous things in vehicles that way 6 times as much as a bike.

yeah id much rather dodge a bike coming at me instead of some tokyo drifter come flying through a residential area and loses control.
everyone likes to bash riders now, yet they will do street runs well over 100 in their cars.

Not to mention if you’re at a redlight on your bike at a busy intersection, you can expect at least 1 person in a car to stare you down/rev at you/do a burnout when the light turns green.
There are plenty of fucking morons on/in all forms of vehicles. If all cars could do wheelies, I’m sure there would be plenty of threads like “OMG TO THE JERK IN THE WHEELIE’N CAVY” …lol

do I like it when people on bikes do stupid shit? No, because it scares the hell out of other drivers, and it throws me in to a stereotype. Do they deserve to die? No, but chances are they will learn the error of their ways the hard way.


THANK YOU, apparently it’s the cool thing to do these days. People need to grow the fuck up, we get PLENTY of shit already from the police and public because we ride motorcycles in general, we don’t need the fucking forum to turn against us now too. We don’t go bashing people for racing on the 400 do we? We don’t go bashing people in the Kills Forum for racing illegally on city streets on the way to work do we?


We stay the fuck out of everyones business and we get ripped apart because a few asshats decided to ride like squids. OKAY, get over it people. For the most part, all the riders that are on this site are very responsible and it even gets to US when we see stupid shit like that.

I’m getting tired of seeing every single motorcycle related thread getting turned into a “OMG BIKES ARE FUCKING DUMB, THEY ALL DESERVE TO GET HIT OR DIE CUZ THEY CUT ME OFF ONCE BLAH BLAH BLAH”

Fuck off.

This is a pretty ignorant assumption to make for a few reasons.

1 - I dont think i’ve ever had someone rev or do any of those things when i’m at ANY intersection on my bike…nor have i ever seen/heard of a car doing it when i was in my car at an intersection by a bike.

2 - You’re wrong about everybody doing wheelies in cars…if this were true, then you’d expect everybody to take off from every light WOT…which is not the case.

Sounds like you just have your panties in a bunch because you’re feeling attacked as a biker. I ride, and i hate asshats like this and also believe they deserve a painful fate. Why are you acting like the guy posting the thread is personally threatening you?

what street?

throwing a brick at someone riding by would be alot worse than someone doing a wheelie. Not everyone rides like an idiot so stop acting like we do. maybe I should make a thread for every idiot that tries to race me in their car or does a burn out.

most times i ride my bright green ninja cars rev at me :frowning: then i show them how slow the 250 is.

i expect normal car drivers to get pissed at people riding bikes, but car enthusiasts? what gives? how many car enthusiasts stay legal and never drive recklessly?

you forgot to quote the second part of my post in which I AGREE WITH WHAT YOU ARE SAYING.

Also, you missed the part where I said there are asshats on both sides of the fence.

Also, I never said everyone would be doing wheelies in cars, i just said you could expect threads of that nature…

Why are you acting like you can’t read, or do you just want someone to argue with?

And now you’ve just heard of two other cases where it happens, in just a few minutes. Maybe you’re just the exception

Can we all agree that car guys dont like bike guys and visa versa.

Here, i’ll draw the line in the sand ------------------------

Go fuck yourself. Don’t tell me to fuck off because I am pissed at some asshole bike rider who doesnt show any respect for kids in a residential neighborhood. I love motorcycles. That doesnt mean I respect reatrds putting themselves and others in danger. Just like how I feel about dumbass drivers who go 100+ in stupid locations. End yourself shitbag.

Won’t even critique your grammar.

:tup: to you sir, you have effectively silenced my rant with your witty and well thought banter.


People are hosting there opinions A+ no harm done. Just by reading this i can tell who rides and who doesnt. Throwing bricks, sticks or chics at an oncoming motorcycle prob not a good idea… The best way to resolve this is call the local p.d. give bike color and plate or next time if you see him coming walk in the street flag him down and ask him not to do it anymore. If he persists then make a spike strip and wait for him lol. No its not fair to judge all riders as the same. Theyre are more asshats on bikes then responsible one’s nuff said…



shut up you guys, nobody on here is intimidating at all. next time just get a license plate number and call the local police dept and have them make a note of it.

Good. I win.

my feelings are that there are more assholes on bikes because it costs way less to go fast on a bike than in a car. any fuck head can buy a bike for 2000 and think hes king shit. your not going to throw a brick at anyone no matter how big you think your balls are. i ride and people that do power wheelies in 30 mph zones dont ride the same bike for very long. wait till the end of summer and the said squid will have wrecked his new red bike