dear dumbf**k on the red bike.....

Who would have thought so many grown men would all get their period at the same time. :gotme:

I’m on the rag. So what, shit happens! Having a preggo wife takes a toll on you haha.

Interesting note, if it was a red ninja in depew/amherst/williamsville area it could be this asshole manager from Regals on transit. And if it was, he spilled his bike recently and fucked it up. :smiley:

I drink my period I’m so manly.

haha <3

come to southgate and see how many fggts on bikes rip it by/do wheelies. one kid did a stoppie/endo thing right in front

BUT, there are tons of cars that beep for no reason, do burnouts as they leave, rip by at 65mph, or do neutral drops in their siqq automatic SUV

however i would when bikers act like dicks, it is more dangerous. not only does it put a high risk for danger against other drivers and pedestrians, but A LOT on themselves. if a car hits another car, there is probably going to be damage to the car, and not a lot to the driver.

if a biker hits a car, the biker is going down, and it will probably be pretty severe

some kid rode a wheelie past sg and up the hill, almost hitting the back of a car because he was easily going over 80mph and the car infront of him brake checked him. he swerved between 2 cars, almost causing a 3 way accident and severly hurting himself.

All because he thought he was cool.

ok the problem here is that everyone is getting defensive for the wrong reasons. EVERY group has its dirtbags. Do I dislike bikers who weave through traffic doing almost double the speed limit ? Yes. Do I dislike people in cars doing the same thing? Yes. I think all of us here can agree on that.

But don’t lump yourself into those groups whenever someone talks about a situation like this. If you yourself are not someone who is doing things to piss off others on the road, then what do you have to worry about?

Oh and cops will be cops, yes the stereotypes suck but we ALL deal and have dealt with them. Now stop bitching at eachother, and save that energy for the people who are actually causing the problems out there!

i rofl.

see TSiTalon’s thread in Gen Auto for reasons why bikers are siqqq/hardasses

Gonna say this again:

Anyone that drives a car is a perfectly safe driver. I never get cut off by someone talking/texting on their phone, or not paying attention in general. Car drivers NEVER speed, not even 1mph over the speed limit, VERY SAFE. They never run red lights, they never swerve in and out of traffic. They are always very cautious. Bikers on the other hand are ALWAYS unsafe, they ALWAYS speed, and they ALWAYS ride like idiots.

right, and the bikers deserve to die or be seriously maimed for their completely one sided disregard of the law and everyone’s safety.

The OP was bitching about a specific biker. I don’t see why the bike guys are turning this into a “why do all you car guys hate on us bikers”? I love lookin at bikes, and I respect bikers that ride aggressive yet remain semi reasonable and responsible. I think the one posters point was very valid…it’s super easy and cheap to get a bike that enables one to be an @hole on the road. Car’s that are equally quick are not cheap.
Unless you have a guilty conscience, this should not be read into as “all bikers with fast bikes ride like @holes”.

I don’t like wheelies on public roads where other motorists and/or pedestrians are around. I don’t like becoming an unexpected participant in what seems like a Ruff Riders video. LOL. I DO like watching wheelies, endos etc… when it’s in an environment that unexpecting people can’t be hurt and the sole risk is the biker. I don’t like the bike guy that feels the need to gun it and weave in and out of traffic, especially the one doing so with his girl on the back. I hate people in cars just the same when they cut off another motorist with about an inch of clearance.

I thought bikers were supposed to have thick skin and shit? Uptight bike guys…lighten up. Nobody is saying you all are immature or irresponsible on the road. Why are ya so touchy? If someone says “I hate bikers that do wheelies on public roads” and you get all bent you are more than likely a public road wheelie monger. Otherwise why the fuck would you defend the action and take it personal and act like a victim being picked on?

Adictd2b00st…right on with above post.

I never understood this argument.

So because fast cars are expensive and fast bikes are cheap means something? Sorry, but what does how much you spend on a vehicle have to do with it?

I see plenty of Ferrari crashes where the reason for the crash was something really stupid like excessive speed.

The point isn’t about what you spend in isolation, think bigger picture. It’s more about the lower price enabling a greater number of people to get into a fast vehicle. And often who looks for speed and has a limited budget? Irresponsible kids. Again, not all “kids” are irresponsible by a longshot. But with stereotypes, they reflect the majority quite well.

TradersBASE :tup: we are definitely on the same page here haha

LOL at everyone getting so defensive.

And “Cager” is probably the gayest reference to a car ever.

Actually, it refers to the driver of said car.

Im not a fan if that word, it just sounds so lame like something you’d hear in F&F

LOL at some of you. Srsly

this forum sucks at so many levels