Don and Mike's "Don"s wife dies in car accident

I heard this yesterday, even though we don’t get the show anymore.

THAT SUX Freda was awesome…i just checked their website and all it is a thing for her and donations

thats crazy, I remembered her calling in all the time, total freak accident

More death, this sucks. July is turning out to be a bad month.




what a bad month…

i dunno who that is : ( that still suck though. :tdown:

Man that sucks. Living in DC for 12 years and commuting 3 hours per day, I felt like I knew those guys.

Again, another example of enjoying every minute of life and the people you love. They can be gone in a moment…

That sucks bigtime.

I was a huge fan of that show and miss it hugely since they took it off the air. And I remember her calling in all the time ias well.

sad.; good looking for her age, i did not pic her looking like that; RIP

that sucks

yeah she was pretty hot… that show was awesome, I have been hoping that they’d bring it back to the Buffalo market but maybe on AM or something.

don and mike was the worst show ever.

Word O & A ruled, but they were still bettter than the crap that is on 92.9 now

Sucks about his wife though