donation organizations

I know we have some organizations set up …but i would like to ask a favor…

is a newly established organization that is set up to help and assists with wounded and killed soiliders and allow them a safe return home and a transistion back into there life…

recently my base commander son was hit by a RPG was injured pretty badly and he was literlly from the time he left counrty in the hot zone to the time he hit us soil in nothing but his underware…

the pittsburgh chapter there has been a brother chapter of the wounder warrior project started in the pittsbugh area and i am yes a completly volunteer and so is everyone on this chapter no money what so ever see anyone pocket…or any other pocket other then the organization…

its goal is to have a brother organization in every state to help assist with wounded soilders and familys of ones that lost there loved one’s overseas…

just this past monday i recieved a called to find out a friend life was taken fighting overseas… he was hit with road side bomb…

its hard to even admign russ with a gun in uniform…this same orginations is the one thats is dealing with russ’s family so its kinda hit home real hard…

so question to you guys… i would like to present either russ’s family or the steel warriors project, with a donation with some of the money rasied for the night of our party…

russ’s was real big into cars and was saving up to buy a ls1 when he returned home…

i woiuld just like physically see some of the money actually reach out and touch a physically hand(family) in need then just be added into a bank account in a big orgainization…

dunno just my 2 cents…two options.maybe a lil for the project and the family or just the family just something i feel strong about… russ is going to be laid to rest most likly this week if this is somthing possible i would like give his mom and dad before the furneral to help with arrangements…

like i said just an idea and speaking this to the group/team i will respect any decision…

sounds ok to me

would 500 to russ’s family and 500 to steel warriors…

think if im not corrected we made 2000 from that night??

would leave 1000 + what ever we get for the cars to the other organizations…

Thats cool with me. I will put the check from Town Tavern in the pittspeed business account and have it ready for you when you need it.

the total for that night was 1912

cool i would like to diliver the money for russ’s family tomaroww night if thats all possibel…

so maybe i can get the check off of you tomaraoww after work

i have to go to a funeral right after work. anyway we can meet up at lunch time?

you guys/gals can do whatever it is needed or feel right

one thing i ask if possible a cancer fund or etc…Mom passed on from it and maybe a few bucks would help i know it really doesnt but thats just my 2 cents

but im up for any other situation as long as you feel good and honest about it

hell i got what i wanted out of it now it time for others to reak from our rewards

American Cancer Society is one of the charitys… Money will go to a local chapter

that will be perfect…just let me know where and when…this is just for russ’s family…

the other donation to the steel warrior im getting the base newspaper in volved with will contact all media and will present it to the steel warrior foundation (media will eat this up any reason to get on base they will jump)

so i wanna work this up and make it good and get the shops some more exposer! and there name in the paper and tv and ill try and get sonni!

see if we can add the military as our crutch then the media will listen!!

most def wife’s dad beath term 4 cancer twice and buddy mike barton;s dads just passed away this past firday from it so im strong supporter of that

i like it, the more local the charity the better IMO

just herd this well be a huge help to the family

russ brother just came and and needs dress clothes and his sister flew in from vegas and has basicly nothing and will be a great help to the family

very great idea spangs!

spoke with amswell last night, Russ father is real choked up about this and couldent eeven speak on the phone…

thanks guys

where do you want to meet at spangler?

Any charity is a good charity. Lets draw the line though, cause I don’t want any of them seeing a miniscule amount. That and, next time lets wait till all 3 of the car owners have spoken unanimously before alocating proceeds from our car.