Don't have a long drillbit, try a gun!

i dont think it would work that good… mabye A wall or 2 but if i want to go up 2 floors how would i stop it from going all the way out ?

You think too much. Just git r done.

or have the wife stand up there

It was a house, not a trailer

Good selling point to get rid of Tmie Warner

“The DirecTV install killed my wife and sent me to jail. Go Time Warner and save 8-10 years.”

i have tons of 18 inch drill bits guys do not kill your wife

why the hell would someone want an 18" wide hole??

Because it’s girth that counts.


Tuna can?

well did he run the cable through or what?

In-wall installation of course, duh.

phew. i certainly feel better now :lol:

shut up there 18 inch long. 1/2" 3/8th,3/4th
i also have a foor foot wall fish bitch and glow rods.

Unfortunately after all this mess he figured out that RG-6 cable has a larger diameter than a .22 bullet and still couldn’t install his damn dish.


wait, she died from a .22 handgun? pussy