Don't have a long drillbit, try a gun!

DEEPWATER, Mo. – Officials were trying Tuesday to decide whether to file charges against a Missouri man who fatally shot his wife while trying to install a satellite TV system in the bedroom of their home.

There have been times when I didn’t have a long enough drillbit to get through a big wall, but never did the idea of grabbing one of my rifles cross my mind.




no seriously officer… i was fixin the TV. she got shot by accident.

im pretty sure their home had multiple wheels and tires

I was half expecting thos to be from Kansas. If they don’t charge this loser with negligent homicide, someone should go shoot him.

Not gonna lie. When I read the thread title my first thought was “That’s fucking brilliant.”

Then “Oh.”

Id like to see a copy of your diploma please !!!:burnin:


A shot gun would make a nice hole to run wires through.

I keep thinking of the Simpsons episode where Homer shoots the lights to turn them off :rofl:

I think you’ve been reading too many of my posts.

you know im trying to pic. this and all i see is some fat guy on a metal roof with a shotgun pointing it down btwn his legs and in a window under him is the wife sitting…also good way to off the wife

^similar thought. lol

same here…except metal roof im thinking is top of a trailer from 1960

edit: found it

thats gotta fucking suck

and now we know.


And knowing is half the battle…G.I. JOE!!!

I went out at lunch to buy a dish for the new house and they were sold out.
They said there has been a steady stream of married men coming in and buying them.:gotme:

lol what? Thinking that using a shotgun to blast a hole for an antenna wire is a good idea isn’t enough proof that I’m an engineer? :stuck_out_tongue: