Don't piss off cheerleaders on myspace

NOW it makes sense,

with that as your father, only white trash actions would be expected!

im just surprised 1)that he can get in and out of the chair. 2)that the chair can support him 3) how did his wife marry him

Once again society = The suck.

If I ever have a family they will all be ninjas.

what i really wanted to quote


^somebody should tell him smoking is bad for his health.


HOLY SHIT! potential life in prison??

lol. ahhh a good break from the studying

They obviously won’t get a sentence like that, it’'s moreso a tactic to show kids that they can’t get away with shit like that with just a slap on the wrist.

Thats because of these whimpy liberal bastards telling us we cant discapline our kids. There is nothing wrong with slappin your kid around when they fuck up and make them a respectable adult. My father did it…so did many others…and ya know what? I stopped!! The entire reason kids are the way they are today with all the back talk to adults and complete lack of respect for anybody is becuase of the idea that you cant slap the shit out of your little fuck stick kid when they are being a douche. I’m not saying you should beat them bloody…but a leather belt across the ass a few times really opens your eyes and makes you say “hey maybe I shouldnt be suck a fucking retard”.

Plot thickens. Dr. Phil bailed one of the girls out of jail, lol. I love America.


i really gotta shake my head somtimes about the shit that goes on… i’m sure she’s gonna learn alot from this now :roll:

glad to see the girls were smart enough to video tape it for the police and courts when they get their asses sued. :bloated:

go figure, I was in orlando when this happened.

And pics have been released.
I haven’t seen this in any of the threads yet

ph#'s and addresses are avail