Don't piss off cheerleaders on myspace

afterwards i had sex with all of them

<-----in the butt

people need to grow up. sticks and stones yo

They’ll probably get off easy, too. What a crazy world we live in, but at the same time people used to get their asses beat for talking shit in person as well. -_-

But I do recall:

I’m sure people have been beaten for talking shit in person, and over the phone before in the past just as badly. However with no video to back it up it doesn’t make it nearly news worthy. Nothing justifys this though.

suprised nobody has posted their Myspace links yet. somebody get to work.

Kat Williams stand up, “shouldnt of been talking shit”

LOL @ all the haters… You act like gang (6:1) beatings are something that haven’t been taking place since the stone age… nothing new here.


fuck i thought this said ON not off…

I got a partial boner at first.

any story with “cheerleaders” getting hurt makes headlines. Cheerleaders are under the same category as “bunnies”, “puppies” and “somalians” with regards to tragedies.

Edit: okay, obviously nobody cares about somalians.


Its nothing more then a grab by the media. Anytime the talking heads can use ‘myspace’ to garner some attention… they need to make sure that the baby booming generation (from the professional mothers, martha moms, the self-pity generation, and “self-esteem movement” of baby boomer parents who are stealing their childrens childhood bit by bit) knows how evil the thing is…

dont fuck with myspace

Which brings me to my next point - white parents : BEAT YOUR KIDS

saddd the chick that got the piss beat outta her had a sexy bod lol not no more all the other chicks are busted

:word: <— Mercedes <— Mercedes mom

and the unedited version

Sucks that something like this happened, but whats even sadder is the mother

acting like her daughter did nothing wrong. Shitty parenting FTL.

that video was taken after they already had beat that girl unconscious. then when she got up they started filming and did that to her. she has lifelong injury now from this attack.


kids should be beat just like women

those girls are part of the Zer0DazE SS. they were just breaking that other girl in, and getting her use to her weekly beatings.

Internet iz sryis bizness

idk, did you watch the video? I got a chubby.

you realize the girl was only 16 right. that would be jailbait for me