remember the 4yr old taken out by the football player...


small children deserve to be kicked in the face

Very pwnd, just watched it like 6 times. Reminds me of that basketball game where the full court shot hits the little boy running haha.





what a bad mother…that’s the first thing I thought of after I saw that lol. Who would let thier child just walk around and not hold onto them in times square? that lady deserves to be kicked in the face…

3rd times a charm :repost:

this has got to be a fucking record for reposts.

5th time and counting

Maybe people should start searching for “repost” before their next post.


this has got to be a fucking record for reposts.

5th time and counting


Yeah seriously. Give it a week at this rate it will hit double digits.


search is your friend

i even put this in a thread, damn its popular, i think the main problem is that even if u search, people are trying to keep the subject name for it lowkey so they dont know what the video is about and see the baby spinkicked on total suprise, because that video is much better if you think its just AMAZING breakdancing and not a LEVELED fucking toddler. althought i do kinda hope that kiddy was ‘okay’ and not jacked up, because that would be a bad way to end up braindead, especially if you end up being on youtube when your braindead from the video.