The dangers of breakdancing



serious repost…

however, i’d like to know what happened to that kid… it was a hard enough hit to kill

However the video was taken off youtube so your somewhat safe. The edited fighting versions are the funniest

eh… break dancing didnt come up in a search… from now on to me, when i search and the title or subject of what im posting doesnt come up, im posting it… too many times the thread title doesnt coincide with the post… case in point, the thread title “cool” in the automotive section yesterday…

i typed in ‘break dancing’ in the search and it came up with that as the first thread lol

I fall culperate to reposts too so i understand where your comming from. SEriously if u think that vid is good try to find the edited ones with motral kombat and stuff, hilarious

lol nice… i only typed it in as one word thats why… eh… still funny… too bad i cant get to see the other ones cause of everything being blocked…

i just watched it 3 times and LOL’d each time.

little girl picked her head up so for those 2 seconds she looked all right. after that though who knows.

Then, I’m gonna assume you never saw this either :

lol, my favorite remix of it.