4yr Old Put Through A Wall...Shock and Awe Ensues

After watching the video all I can say is…Really?

WHY THE HELL did that girl break his cell phone

all i can say is what a stupid bitch!!! you got punched in the face a week prior?? you can only imagine stuff of the nature has happened before, and now she realizes that she should get away from the dude… obviously one of her kids getting hurt will flip a light switch, but she should have seen it this coming if it was happening to her.

o ya she should use condom. plssss

Pregnant 20 year old mother of THREE??? GTFO!!! the angerrrrrr

Fuck… Obama Phone attacks again.

wait, so its ok to smash a 12 yr old boys head in the wall? lol well, atleast its only drywall.

^ haha true. fuckin hood rats.

only if you are 20 and have 3 kids and another on they way…and an iPhone

Funny i showed my wife the clip and she repeated that over and over not grasping it…lol

Tax money at its best.


The help they need is to be made sterile.

I feel bad for the kids, because kids don’t know their parents suck until it’s too late.
Mother of 3 @ 20… I wonder how many abortions there were?

3 too few?

Larita Baker is my favorite.

Maybe the guy was just trying to perform a post-natal shmishmortion

fucking scumbags

Racist comment*

Is it racist if it’s true?

jesus christ