Im glad I wsant this young

Holy fuck that shit

is that real

holy fock

yea… shit aint no joke…

the baby is half the size of the kid lmao…

and his girlfriends a cradle robber :rofl:rofl

Um she’s definitely a pedo, he looks like he’s about 8 year old!

Great, now I’m aroused.

alright…well come over in 5 mins, I should be home

ok now i’m quite disturbed.


omg, thats awesome

hahahaha wow

That kid fucked a beast

“Maisie was conceived after Chantelle and Alfie — just 12 at the time — had a single night of unprotected sex”

damn, thats funny

That kid got raped. And she isn’t even remotely good looking.

that girl is a fucking troll.

Fuck i cant even use the word “girl”. IT, IT is a fucking troll. IT is Yetti killer 3 status

Wow is that kid fucked for the rest of his life


I’d put a pillow over her head and rail it, she’s 15 guise geeze.

holy fuck!!! thats a rude awakening, im going to go buy a pack of condoms right now even if im not using them anytime soon

i suppose, but ud still be there with the though of railing a heffer in your head

pff heffers aint no thang, it’s the nasty diseased crackhead lookin bitches that have gape before you even get your cock near them you have to worry about.

nobody likes fatties=more tight pussied fatties for me :rofl

well, if u put it that way. chubbies fine by me, just no uggos.