Don't piss off people you live with!

Hysterical… The 3rd one is great. I’m still laughing!

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This was a guy on dsmtalk…good stuff

:lol Thats an oldie but funny everytime!

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl I was crying when he just wrecked the garbage can

he got a strike with human bowling on that third one :haha

HA HA HA HA HA HA :rofl :crackup :crackup :crackup :crackup :crackup omg that is fucking GREAT!


roflmao thats great




hahahahahahahahahaha :crackup


thats fucking hilarious

Kid sounds fucking pissed in the end though.

he might have unleashed the beast

Both kids are idiots, starting stupid shit because one of them can’t extend a simple courtesy by leaving quietly
and the other by being a sneaky little bitch instead of confronting him about it. It would have been especially
great if the kid cracked his skull open walking in.
Funny non the less.

I am the king of passively fucking with people.

Does the kid say “your a faggot jim kellys the best” right before he knocks the garbage can over? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

hes dose LMAO

Lmao every time dude hits the floor mad hard . The third one is awesome hes like going for the phone hahahahhaha :crackup :crackup :crackup

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
Got his monkey ass whooped!!!

hahaah that kid deserves the butter ! he runs EVERYWHERE LOL hahaaha why cant he just walk normal he fuckin runs around his apartment no matter what he has to do, everytime he slips he was running