Dorifto teasers

just a few to tide you guys over till i get some time to look these through





last pictures is dope… of course the others are nice too!

Bondo BMW scares the fuck out of me.
I have 1038 photos (literally) to search through. Fuck me.

I love you

Dicktone BMW :tbu
Bondo BMW :ohnoes

ended up with 1207 lol

lol nice!

One from me for now…


unfortunatly i have 2 shoots to edit before the drift pix … and KBB has to shoot today and tomorrow … so im not sure how much free time we will get

This, but I will post one of Benny because he’s bigger than me and could kick my ass.

Whoever drives that purple 240 or what the fuck ever it is, can drive like a mofo along with the rest of you. Standing at the front of the trailer in that sweeping turn is sketchy as fuck, I think I had the look of fear, mouth open, not sure what the fuck was going on a few times out there. I had a god damn blast.

I have a few shots of your tandem run too, Benny.



look at the 2 fat kids in the BMW.

that was a fun ride Benny, thanks man :tbu

anytime! that goes for anyone, I like giving people a little shot in the arm from the kidneys.

Next time mark me down for one wild ride in the BMW. :excited

You bet, sir! Nice to finally meet you both, also.

Great shots guy!

awesome shots…thanks for coming out!