double backy

On a snowmobile

Last night at Xgames.
Theres maybe 10 guys in the world who can do a backflip on a snowmobile in the world… and Levi just did a double.
Even though he didn’t land it, it was still so sick.




Bender had a good run in thex games this year…was a great jump there
no xgames for you tyler?

I can’t believe he got up and just ran away. He was really close to eating his handlebars. Definitely sick though!!

double back flip on a jet ski… i met this guy last week when i was in daytona…sickest thing i have ever seen

Wow, I’ll give it to him…just went a little too big.

training for the double

:tup: id imagine that takes a lot of guts.

Would have liked to see him land it, still takes balls. The snowcross track was a big let down imo, seemed very short and other than the step up(or was it a step down) there wasn’t much else other than some woops.

it landed upright… i would say that was a HUGE accomplishment

Didn’t the announcers say it was longer this year?

That’s incredible, as is the jetski one!

BOOOO I could do double back flipz all day long on wave race

it could have been, it just wasnt an interesting course with the one long straightaway.

I’m seriously not trying to take anything away from the double backer, but if I didn’t land a trick I was attempting, regardless of how nuts it is, I wouldn’t get that fucking excited about something I failed on.

That’s the 1st thing I thought when I saw it last night. The 2nd I thought was “wow, that shit’s bananas”.

He technically did land it though. He just got bounced off the sled.

No he didn’t, hence why he didn’t win best trick.

lol, that’s the definition of technically not landing it.

alright mr. buzzkill