double backy

ha haha if only that was really

wow did anyone see that on the MONSTER MO?


No i ment that he atleast landed the sled flat and not like upside down or something.

Awesome but he didn’t land…

looks like he saw the handlebars coming and leaned over. im bettin he knew he had overshot and didn’t want to eat fiberglass / steel so he leaned off to the side for a tuck / roll. if he hadn’t overshot he would have decided to stayed on it

look how many people fail at singles, its not that bad to barely fail at a double really. he’ll be sticking the double in no time.

exactly, at least he missed it by botching the landing and not failing miserably with a helicopter ride and broken neck, back and both legs…

that was pretty awesome. i watched it on the DVR last night. big congrats to almostbrett also for holding it down. :tup:

I’m just saying, I thought it was pretty gay that he got so excited about something he didn’t land 100%. It’s just my opinion, so whatevs.

Watched that as well, and I gotta say I’d be just as excited as he was for coming that close.

I didn’t notice…but was almostbrett competing at the X-games???

9th in snow cross, sled number 19, his name is brett bender. Sled racing runs in the family, his dad Tim is one of the best on an oval sled.

Awesome :tup:

and that dbl back was nuts, wether he rode off or not. props to that guy.

I bet he’s raced in MN at Centebury…I grew up like 20 minutes from that place. That’s gotta be quite fun to be able to race sleds for a living!