X Games

OMFG, Danny Way!!!


hahaha yea I was watching this last night in the bar and everyone stopped what they were doing to watch that in shock

Pretty insane that he came back to compete after wiping out like that. I missed the MOTO best trick. Did that guy (name?) do the front flip??

Xgames are horrible


he tried it but didnt get it, and there was no second attempt for him.

i watched this last night. … the entire event was off da hook.

last years was wayyy worse

what’s the damage?

Ya that guy is nuts. I remember when they did the mega jump a few years ago he was the first and one of the only crazy guys to do it.

Wasn’t he the one who crashed a few years ago and the shoes came off he landed so hard?

Edit: never mind, that was jake brown

Couldn’t pay me enough to do that.

As fun as that is to see, the should really get rid of that jump before someone dies.

Then they should get rid of ever sport in teh xgames.

I just finally watched my dvr of the rally race, and i’m not going to lie, I shed a tear when pastrana read his note to mcrae.