X Games 14

anyone watch them?

i watched most of the skiing events. Bobby Brown slayed the big air and slopestyle :bowdown :wow and Kevin Rolland and Jossi Wells both killed it in the superpipe :ahh

Simon Dumont seemed off his game all day, probably due to his nasty accident earlier this week.

and Peter Olenick went 24’ 11" out of the superpipe in the big air tonight :eek3

crazy stuff those guys do, and they always put on a great show :thumbup

I only watch it for the snowmobiling events and some of the snowboarding. The Sno-X course was sickkkk this year.

olenick killed it in the big air part.


I saw the freestyle sled pre-lims and they were pretty nuts, dudes throwing crazy variations off backflips over the 100ft’er!! Im pissed I missed the best trick comp tho:banghead

to me personally, the snowmobiling gets really boring. they all do the same backflip variations only tweaked a little different here and there. the racing gets hella boring real quick to me. the knock out thing was kinda cool today. would have been much cooler if they were doing tricks while flying that far :lol

anyone see shaun white get his shit rocked when he cased it on the pipe? :rofl

The 1620 in skiing Big Air was pretty insane. Its fun to watch skier/boarder cross too.

I dont watch as much as the summer or winter xgames as i used to so i dont know the names anymore but im always good for watching a few hours of it. Stuff is super entertaining.

Yeah I thought his head flew off! thats one way to deck out! lol Still that kid is a machine in the half pipe. 23 feet out of a 22 foot pipe is just retarded, thats twice the height of my highest air out of the same sized pipe ever… I cant imagine dropping from that high!!!

The skiing big air was sick. the jump was perfect. My brother and crew were right there and said it was just nutty. Brown killed it for sure. dub corked 1440’s then the 1620 was just retarded… it was PERCFECTLY done, corked out to the max on both flips and STUCK the landing.

I forgot who it was but the guy in the red pants and the suspenders hanging down was throwing double corks that were more inverted than anyone else doing them.

But still the laid out back flip by brown was priceless on the victory lap. he led it out sooooo long hahaha.

The snowcross track looks like soooo much fun too. the stepup, the cross over finish line jump, there are so many sick well build features.

Kevin Rolland’s run in the half pipe was the best run I’ve ever seen… skiing or snowboarding.

that was a sick run for sure. i think if Peter Olenick put down his whole run, it would have given Rolland a run for his money. of course, Jossi Wells was absolutely slaying it in the pipe as well :thumbup

I was just thinking how the “extreme sports” are going to have to just die off. Reason being, there are just somemany things you can do in the air on skiis and a snwoboard, so many on/off/while on/over… rail things you can do. Dirtbike/sled freestyle is getting to the point that the risk over reward is way too high, the jumps just get bigger and bigger I guess. It is also very discouraging becasue in order to just jump into a sport and make bank, you have to be able to backflip and trick a 200-450Lb machine, get 20+ feet out of a halfpipe, and spin 1440+ degrees while corked twice. Its just mind blowing, even for people that were in the sport from the beginning.

I grew up skiing, when i was about 15 is when “free style” really started. Which by the way did you see the flash back to the cork 720 on that tiny ass jump from back in the late 90’s hahaha, he forces the shit out of that spin lol.

Its just crazy how fast the sport progresses, less than 10 years ago freeskiing really took off. MSP “ski movie” and the poor boys flims were just mind blowing back then, now you watch them and they are bunny hill runs for people still in the sport on the cutting edge.