Ski X Winter Olympics Debut

The beginnings of the Ski X event is about to begin today around noon. Its about time this event has made it into the Olympics. For those that don’t know wat it is, its a 4 man race to the bottom of the hill. The course consists of high bank turns, woops sections, jumps all while at high speeds with your competitors on your tail. Its become known as Nascar of the slopes. Very fun time if you ever are at a resort that has a boardercross (skier X) course I would deffinetley suggest taking a run down it, even just for fun.

If you get a chance to watch it today, and you can bear watching skiing, definetley watch it you wont be dissapointed.

Was watching a little bit of the qualifying runs for this today, seems like fun!

Looks like SO much fun

Just wait until they get into the heats. Thats when the real action starts.

Bromley has a ski/boarder x course! $44 Lift & Lunch Tuesday is lookin like the best day for not getting snow (as of right now). Ill keep u posted though.

just fyi bromley has a course that anyone can run down. its a blast

yeah just said that^^^^^

hmmm i see that now.

+1 to bromley’s boardercross course, gotta go hit it up again soon.

hell yeah I wanna get out their sometime this week. $39 Midweek Full Day Lift Tickets.

Mount Snow also had one a few years back. Not sure if they still do though.

33 bucks through my credit union :ahh

i’ve only been at mount snow opening day this year, don’t have a ton of money to go boarding. i’m gonna go to mount snow again on st. patty’s day so hopefully they have it then lol.

I forgot $29 with college ID :excited

I saw that St Pattys Day thing like 17 bucks right? Probably going to be packed beyond belief though.

reminds me of red bulls crashed ice… which is better.

That shit looks nuts. Ive thought about what it would be like to go down on my hockey skates sometimes when its really icy. I didnt even imagine they would turn it into a race.

yea 17 bucks, my thought is, its 17 bucks so even if it’s packed who cares, but its also the middle of the week, most people still work m-f 9-5 jobs, hopefully not everyone takes it off for cheap skiing.

Yeah I was thinking it was gonna be on a weekend. Thats what I get for not looking at the calendar. Yeah for $17 I will more than likley be skiing Mt Snow that day.