Snowboarding/Skiing sometime in jan? *Bromley Tues Jan 17th*

Hey everyone I come home on leave Jan8th through the 20th anyone wana do a gore trip or something within that time frame?
DATE AND PLACE NOW SET…Bromley on Jan 17th. We will be meeting at Slwrthnu’s house at 0600-0615 and will be hitting the road by 0630. The address is 1 Lilac Lane Latham,NY. So far this is what we have for a list of people:
MazdaSpeeder08 Possibly
Vovchandr possibly/yes?



^ is that a yes haha

I’m in.

I’m in.


anyone have a preffered date?

Any day that isn’t full/holiday rate :rofl

we could do white face or wherever anyone wants just said gore as an example haha

I’m down for it. Prefer mt snow since I have a season pass. But if we get a big storm magic is the place to go.

Anywhere but whiteface.

Mt Snow

My favorite is Bromley. Sun beats on you all day, even when it’s cold…the sun takes the edge off. Smaller mountain, but easily my favorite in the northeast.

bromley is a little cheaper than some of the bigger mtns too. Pico is nice too, a tad further of a drive but its cheap, a big mountain, and its got one base area so its easy to group up at the end of a run.

I haven’t been to Bromley in years. I miss that place.

im down for whatever haha you guys figure out what day and times work for you all best because you will all be working and ill be on a 2 week vacation haha so time date place dont really matter to me haha

I’m good most weekends but with enough of a heads up so I can take the day off a midweek day will work for me as well.

Midweek-Friday are the best for me. Sunday’s as well. I’m free Saturdays…but to avoid the masses of 12yr olds I try to avoid that day.

Yeah midweek skiing is awesome. Its cheaper and the lift lines are cut in half.

I’ll throw this out there. How’s Wed Jan 11th work for people?

im good with that date. but that might conflict with the A.S.S meet next month wont it?

Ah true, well how bout thurs the 12th? haha