Down with Venom

can I slap u in the head for being stupid

F-body drivers shakes head



cobra drivers************* :slight_smile:

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at least someone got the joke :slight_smile:

you better comment mr new fbody owner

I’ll be nice… for now

you need to come out of the closet sometime…

hey fatty-your the petafile

dem der are fighting words…

you are on the bordeline of team husky now

This aint the old west bitch. this is the west side

not all of us are privilaged to live and raised in the ROX

I am sorry I dont get that all, I mean it. I dont

I wouldnt go that far with it.

well the big guys on the board are on team husky…you better start whoring more to get donwn with the teminology

my neighboors are a bunch off bulls,cows and a few ducks…well its just a shade nicer than the rox

I see.

:blue: :blue: :blue: :blue: :blue: