I can’t believe i made it home, 
sam is my heroin 
thank you every body for showing up tonight…
Jeff95ta ( little munchin ) especially 
made it home in under 30 minutes From JJs
that has to be a record time :rolleyes:
I can’t remember much, but thanks to all who showed up :eek4dance
8.1crew for being a little bitch and didnt show :finger:
hannibal ( jeremy) picked up the tab 
blue4 or whatever his name is, is still a dildo to the third degree. but thanks for showing :fart:
whitey arrived w/ a pink shirt ( doesn’t suprise me )
and became the drinking buddy for the night :naughty:
you forgot about those ugly bitches calling spangler fat!!!
spangler pulls tons of big bitches. when we were in UT, betty stopped by for him
all i know is i ran from whitey when he said he was gonna make me stay at his house
If you were staying in town I’d kick your ass! 
Sorry I couldn’t stay - had a bunch of work to get done for this morning.
me and ej were there also 
Your son spent most of the time being held upside down by various people. 
i should have stayed at the little blue house, damn i feel like shit today

those girls where off the wall wierd,
devin got the blondes number
sounds like fun. :bigthumb: