

Dont be bustin up my name, you aint got enough hair to be doing it, you better learn. :gaysex:

did you need somthing thier “Peweterss” whats that dot all about?

P-U-ter Bitchss where you at I’m calling you out


What is that?? whats it mean?


:wtf: postwhore

:blanyer: faggots

yes u two are.

there is no post count in e-fights u darkstarjrno0b:tool:

:3some: you know you wanna join homo admin

Eh…u all can fuck me in my ass!

really, hmmm, well that makes it more worth while
Darkstar would cry if he seen you calling me that, :crying:
he’s an emo, kinda like a younger version of you except he still has hair



/ yourself, Base Boy


(insert chips “your a homo” here")

hair jokes are as lame as u