DragnDoor's DragnAudi

I haven’t had a chance to shoot a lowered car, so when I saw Kevin’s Audi I KNEW IT WAS MEANT TO BE :lol

I drove over to the CRC shop and got to see the other projects going on. All I can say is some amazing work has been put into those cars (well, trucks…). As for the Audi, it’s awesome. Simple, clean, and lowwww. The best part is hearing the tire squeek on the fender when its layed out haha.

Kevin and Mike are real good guys, look forward to doing business with 'em in the future!

Anyways, enough talking, enjoy the pics!!

As I was uploading these, I realized I didnt take any pics of the trunk :Idiots



nice job man

Great shots man! I swung by and looked at the car yesterday as I’m interested in the airlift kit he’s using.

Great pics man! Pleasure to finally meet you! You are welcome anytime buddy!!!

Pictures came out awesome I appreciate you taking the time. About an hour after you left the shop I thought the same about the trunk. I never even showed you it! And like my brother said stop in anytime.

Verrry niiiice.

Glad I got to meet both of you, wish I could have stayed and hung out a little longer!

Next time I’mm there I’ll snap some pics of the trunk. Can’t believe I forgot!!

Good job Nolan!
Audi looks pretty damn good.


I wanted to cry editing these pics lol


I should’ve let you rock the 200 f/2L if you thought the 135 was epic. The 85 f/1.2 is still available… :lol

:rofl If/when I spend big money on a lens it will be the 135 (200 is too much lol)

And I wouldn’t have even wanted to use the 200, I would’ve been shaking the whole time, afraid someting was going to happen :lol

haha, 135 is a good lens for the money. Very useful.

came into thread expecting a penis sticker on the wheel lip