Draw the keebler elf

for the mutherfuckin win




hummm…Two sets of eyebrows

As I try again…


this is ridiculous. and i laughed a lot. but good luck with this.

dude if this isnt a joke go into a tattoo shop and have someone draw something for you from reference.

I laughed alot to, and have always joked around about it and im finally considering doing it.
keep them comin…jason wins so far hah
and rach your plastic car is redic also :wink:

No…not my fault you can’t draw, and I wana see what members of the forum could do.

BTW your sig is advertising, pay your daddie

ok fixed that eyebrow thing.

Now fix his hand rookie. It looks wetoddit. And wipe that smile off his face. lol

haha, i dunno if i’d buy a house from some dude who can’t spell ‘interested’ correctly anyway


getting better lol

someone give him a gun

FYI a gun is not going on my body, i’m not a violent person and would probably never own a gun so not trying for the false advertising im a badass cause I have tattoos.
make him holding a beer, with a nametag that says ImDrunk or something like that.