Draw the keebler elf

So i’ve always been trying to decide what I want as my first tattoo, and my last names keebler so we always joked around about me getting one of the elf’s somewhere on me.
Flipside, I wouldn’t want it to look exactly the same as the cookie making ones…
so draw me an elf, if I like it and end up using it I owe you a 12 pack.

still not 100% on this, but I think it would be awesome and also something i’m not gunna go to the beach and see 400x.
possibly a pissed off elf on the inside of my right arm and the goofy elf on the other?

all just random thoughts, nothings set in stone.

yea a mean elf and a nice elf on each arm would be a cool idea.

I searched elf and this came up haha


hahahaha mark get that for yer tramp stamp

http://faitmaison.free.fr/amgl/images/alf.gif y am elf when u can alf

Yeah Alf FTW!




has to be an “altered” version of him, and joe lol stfu my last name is Keebler so why the fuck would I Get Alf hah

you need a mural of you puking off hardrock over the balcony onto a tour bus across your back hah.


Altered yo say…

hah I guess that is altered, but more of his emotions I.E. Happy/goofy and then Pissed off I’ll jerk off on every cookie I make face.


What a homo

uhh thats actually kind of sweet…what kind of tattoos do you have?

none yet…
I wish I was better at modifying pictures, but at least I try…

haha it needs to be pissed off not sad because the bitch didnt get his fingers wet and the fatty went home .

Well I tried… I also changed his shorts to pants, got rid of his vest, and lengthened his tie. But I use MS paint, and am not good at all the other things so many people seem to be able to do. Plus I think they use photoshop.


http://www.crazyabouttv.com/ImagesTwo/alf.jpg 1