Drift Battle Magazine

Hey everyone whats up.

Well I saw these on Drift Factory.com and thought it may interest some of you over here. Here’s the link,


Might turn out to be really good. Austrailian mag’s usually are and they know there drifting over there. Thanks to Drift Factory for getting them :smiley: .

Well take care guys.

Easy 8)

ya i looked into a subscription and it was like 51$ for one year of issue which i dont believe is even one a month, which isnt worth IMO

Edit: i found the link nad i was wrong its $80 for 7 issue, heres the link

ya i bought 2 issues when i was in australia, its not bad i still have them.

but not worth the money over here.

True there a little pricey but I usually buy High Performance Imports from Chapters and those are the same price.

Actually most magazines are $6-$8.00 ish so it’s not really a big deal.

Easy 8)

Subscriptions are usually significantly cheaper than buying it from a store though.

i picked up a austrailian sport compact mag a few months ago, all on 180sx’s. it was awesome, very technical…race tech. not rice tech.

i forget the name of it now, nor can i find the mag. but it was one of the better sport compact mags i’ve ever picked up.

You just have to get used to Kw insted of HP, *and Nm insted of torque(Which imo think Canadian’s need to get on board with anyways…) :lol:


there’s a kw to hp converter for you 8)

i got an issue when i went to see my bro in laurier

im just going to get him to buy more lol

and its cheap.

very good mag lots of coverage


I bought one from my local variety store on friday, I had heard of Drift battle mag so i snatched it up as soon as i saw it. Im pretty impressed with it. Cost me 7 bucks.

where did you buy it, ihavent found it anywhere??

Hey guys.

Well I had been in contact with Lori Ahn, at Drift Factory, via emails because I wanted to order the magazines but I don’t have a credit card to order from the online catalog. They made some changes to the way they do business here in Canada and need confimation the order was indeed placed by the person.

So she gave me a link to an ebay auction so I could use my Paypal account. The total cost is $30.00 Canadian shipped. Now yes that works out to be 15 per mag but if you don’t count the shipping, $10.50, as it’s a standard thing using ebay the cost really is’nt that bad.

Anyway for anyone here interested, and have the same issue I do which is no credit card, this is the link


Have a good one.

Easy 8)

why pay 15 for one when i can go to a convenice store and pay 7 (as sean_brimstone did), and not havew to wait 3 weeks for shipping, to me it makes no sense, and i cant imagine the mag being worth 15 dollars so ill just stic with those guy at SCC, at least until i find this for a nonridiculous price

Well like I said, I don’t factor shipping in to the price so, the mag’s are 10 ish each which is what I pay for HCI at Chapters.

As for SCC, that’s to much rice for me. They used to be good but I have’nt seen an issue worth buying since the spring.

I think these will be worth the it and if not hey, it’s only money! :lol:

Easy 8)

how do you not factor shipping in the price? you realize every single mag you buy you pay for shipping, its just not a seperate costn its ot like they cover it, so when you buy a mag at the magazine rack your paying 7 bucks including shipping, so then the mag is like 4.50, so its a shit deal anyway you think of it, but meh if you think its worth it thats all that matters

I dont know if anyone knows the alliston area well, but i bought it at Banting Convience. And my Local Hasty Market had a copy as well.

i just picked up a copy of the drift battle mag tonight at a local convinence store it cost me 7.99 plus tax for it… its a good mag the one i have has a nice feature on a sick S15 and a scene report on some nights in Japan…
good stuff

I would like to clarify. We are not offering a ‘shit deal’ at all. We do not charge anything over the cover price and we do not rip our customers off when it comes to shipping. The reason we charge that much for shipping to Canada is because USPS does not offer many cheap ways to ship from the US to Canada. Regular airmail is slightly cheaper but it also takes forever. Drift Factory has heard over and over from customers that they do not want to wait weeks for their items to arrive. This is why we often ship USPS Global Priority which takes approximately 4-6 days to get there. International shipping from the US is expensive, no matter which carrier you use unless you are shipping in bulk. It also takes a lot of work on our part because we cannot simply ship using our normal automated process, we have to take the package down to the post office, fill out customs forms and pay for the postage.
For US customers, we charge $3.85-$4.00 shipping in a flat rate envelope which can fit three to four Drift Battle magazines. This has been a popular option for those who want to order more than one and saves them the time and cost of getting it from a store.
So in sum, we do not overcharge our customers. We are a fair company that does our best to offer the best deals for our customer. The offer is there for any Canadian customers who cannot or do not want to get these magazines locally.

i guess i worded it wrong, it wasnt meant as a comment about the seller trying to rip off their customers it was meant as its too expensive to ship the mags here so its not worth the effort sort of comment, i dont noubt the shipping from australia or wherever it is they make the mag to us is more than the standard mag its just more thna im willing to pay, if i see it on the rack like a couple of the other memebrs have i will pick it up or else meh its not a big deal

I can definitely understand that. Thanks for the clarification.


Just while your here, your web site says free shipping. Im guessing only within the contenental usa?

havnt had a chance to really surf your site yet, but looks like you have some half decent prices.

Yes, only to the continental United States I’m afraid.