Drift Bible + other videos for download - UPDATE

If I’m way outta line here, feel free to delete this thread and PM me.

But anywho, my comp is usually running most of the time (sorry, don’t do
24-hrs cuz its one noisy fvck), so I setup an FTP server for you to download off of.
I’ve also split the Drift Bible in 10MB zip chunks so you can download it
in portions and not have to worry about disconnection or partial downloads.
login: son240sx
password: madjdmtyteyo

NOTE: Make sure you’re in PASV mode (if you don’t know what it means,
then: http://www.google.com/search?q=PASV+mode)

Since Rogers changes their IP every now and then, if my IP changes,
I’ll make the changes to this thread.

1 connection per person (same IP) and 5 connections total (unique IPs)
is alloted to the server. :slight_smile:

I can’t Connect :frowning: (Wednesday Jan. 21st 12:01pm)


Yes, my computer has gone kaput. Well sorta, it works on and off again
and I’m just fed up that Im gonna buy some parts to replace it. POS.

As for the login, meh, I’m goin with the flavour of the month. :ugh2:

BTW this is from my bro’s tablet…gonna try fixing the box tomorrow…

Ok, computer’s fixed and running smooth lately. Try to log in and
if nothing works, you suck.