Drift DAY!! Shannonville Nelson!!! Saturday October 10th

OH MAN IM SO MISSING OUT RIGHT NOW! FAACK have a good one guys!!!

ya mee 2…have fun guys!

dammit why did i have to work ughg

well. my car took some major damage :frowning:

pulled most of the rear quarter out. gotta fix exhaust, it’s completely fucked. no idea how it happened.

this is why I never wanted to track my car. knew I wasnt cut out for this shit.

I’m incredibly sore right now. Going to bed.

Hope you guys all had a blast minus my constant fuck ups!

just two pictures for now


good day minus the damage… after hitting a massive rock, shredding my new front tire causing a blow out and exploding my front flare off I tossed my spare on and it scrapped the outer ring of tread off… got it home and realised my left front suspension is all tweaked back, now I gotta try to patch this bitch back together…

I bent a inner tie rod on front driver, and bent my front passenger rim up. Other then that, it was awesome. Got use to my car, after all the changes I’ve made.

It was a blast, as always peter hosted a wicked event. Props to everyone behind the scenes. :slight_smile:

who got some pics from today’s event

wheres the damn pictures?

ill post 3 pics of me



Got home about an hour ago. some pics up tomorrow. Got some pretty dope clips of Chris making a bitch out of Turn 0.

thanks peter for hosting event. it was splendid. had great time getting familiar with my car again. almost forget how to drift sometimes.

Today was GREAT! Thanks to Mark and Wayne for helping me figure out my alternator issue & thanks for jump Mike, and tools John.

lol. Comon, one more event!

haha santi you got vid of me bitch slapping turn 0? thats sick. the clip you showed me of the ebrake into the pits was sick.

dude. probably one of the best track days to DATE. from the people i watched…HUGE skill improvement and huge positive steps in peoples driving. Alot of people manned up and i was very impressed personally.

briggs took my breath away a few times. i was ripping a turn and pat cyr showed up out of no where on my door lol. off the top of my head, peter BALLS OUT DUDE. Jlee made it with no serious issues, season i seen killing turn 4. Im sorry i dont remember your name, the brown guy with the red s13 with bronze battles…dude your seriously improving. wayne was sexy, martino i had sex with. Farmer made a first appearence at the track and was doing pretty good.

Just some stuff off the top of my head.

btw i just read up a bit. Chris sorry about your car man. its not your not cut out for it you just got to figure the track out more. dont let that discourage you as hard as that is to believe.

i got only pics of myself also as im not a photographer. but P.Ruddy hooked me some, here yallll go

in the words of the wise men: DOOOOOM

btw all these pics are taken from p.ruddy. if your going to steal them ronnie will poo on you. i forgot to ask how he felt about using them! :frowning:

Keez you sexy B!TCH… I’m lovin’ it!

dont worry about it man! its a S13 lol MANY parts and over fenders to make your car look good again… if it was an S14 IMO i would be shitting my pants to find $hit… OR martino can make you a sticker to cover it up saying “Drift Damage”

Cheer up man!! :slight_smile:

hey man at least yu didnt bend your rear frame rails like I did in the volvo yesterday after being stupid and smoking the wall. We will see what the father has to say about that…:S Other then that tho it was sickkkkkkkk. FINALLY got tire smoke from the drift brick.

ALSO, big thanks to the guys from S1DC for the CD of pics. Very very nice pics guys. thanks

Is this possibly the most destructive drift day evar or what?