Drift DAY!! Shannonville Nelson!!! Saturday October 10th

Hey Mike! Glad to see you beating the shit out of my old car, it deserves it :D. :lol: Budgell you looked like you killed it… I really gotta get out to one of these track days sometime next year even if it is just lapping.

First drift day was great success, car didn’t break or blow up… so i got to drive home lol

One of my later runs. Defiantly wish I had brought out more tires…and I ran out of gas due to lack of money :frowning:


^ damn, thas a sick clip. You killed that corner

shitty buzz. iw as soooo stoked. missed it by a few hours. car was ready by 1:30. :frowning:

Lol yea, I came in at top of 3rd with a little less speed than I had hoped but I made the best of it. I was hoping Season’s sister had me from the beginning where I did turn 1 (turn 0) and than 2 and 3 right after.

You can see right at the beginning of this clip I’m throwing out tons of smoke on turn 3 as I connected 2 and 3 on that one, and then the little straight for this clip (turn 4).

Oh wells.
Next time :slight_smile:

i’m curious as to why everyone would call turn 1, turn 0. It’s obviously a turn. If you’re calling it turn 0, what’s the next one? Turn 1? So the big left is turn 3 if turn 1 is turn 0?

I have no idea where it came from and how teh fuck it caught on. Not a single bike guy will call that turn 0. it doesn’t make any sense at all.

I’m gonna go upon the assumption of…

It sounds cool.

Yea, that’s what I think it is…Sounds cool.


I’m so wrong.

I <3 you. lol

oh, my point was, martion, you looked like you killed it! Sick!

I’m not positive, but I think it’s called that just cause it’s a difficult turn to drift. That same day, some were calling the last turn, Turn 0 cause it was slippery as hell, and everyone was spinning there.


martian, martino, whatever.

Ronnie, Sex, whatever.

Nice clip Martino! good job man.

now…how do you embed youtube clips like that?

Go to the youtube page the video is on, take the “Embed Video” code and remove ALL the script except the link of the vid and add “.swf” (without the quotes) to the end of it then wrap [.Y]vidlinkhere.swf[./Y] (without the periods) around it.

I just had the same conversation with pantaloons about turn 1 being called turn 0

i will shit if i hear a turn 0 again.

turn 1 is what it is. also its not as bad as it seems.

turn 0

lol. poop

amanda ima shit on you.

yeah man, the zero turn
Drift posse