Drift Hustle puts Albany in a neck Brace.

your car will be fine bro, i got faith in ya!!

Oh no doubt me too, but 18psi spikes are probably time bomb haha

and let me guess, no video of said car going into the bushes?

^ nope.

i saw it in my mirror… i lol’d when i saw the headlights swapping and the cloud of dust.

DAMNIT! >.< i KNEW it. why do you people never put a camera on a mount on the windshield?

I wouldnt post that shit anyway, lucky we got out before law enforcement arrived.

because we just like to have fun…and not be cool interweb dudebros.

its not about becoming famous on the interwebs. its for your own watching, that and sharing with us maybe :smiley:

I dont care about watching it, just doing it ha

i wanna see that kinda stuff, cuz i cant do it. so i’d rather watch u guys do it from your perspective. cuz its much more interesting to see one of you guys do it, because youre local and i know you.

Just goto events than, Oct 1st LVD. You’ll see tons of it haha

I plan to go. Im taking my camera with me.

Yeah do events Vot. I have made them all but one. dudebro.

im hoping to make more

this is the one to make. you’ll see me hit benny in person then read about it on here!

Can I drive the 240?

when is ur next one?

oct 1st…and it’s also the last drift event of the year for lvd.

VOT, shut up :lol