Shift518 Drift Discussion

I want on that track NOW.

Track looks narrow but let’s drift it, got my welded diff in ;D

I’m seriously thinking about calling the track and asking, but idk what to say lol…

Can we come up and do some burnouts on your track? Like what if they don’t know what drifting is? How do I explain that shit? :rofl

We’ll just go up there and run one normal lap than on the second lap break it loose. So what if we get kicked out lol

Just say do you mind if we hold a private event there for a couple hours. lol

or do that :lol

I dont know about drifting there, it is a really really tight course…it was a blast though !

Eh, there’s no walls…just spin out in the grass!

Tight=good for me anyways, dont have much power, and that whole track LOOKS like 2nd gear to me…

Exactly, I don’t feel like smashing up my 1/4 panel.

When isn’t tight good?

It is I was in 2nd the whole time.

Our 6 speed gearing is wayyyy different than his 5 speed gearing…When I race Benny i was shifting like 4 times while he was only shifting twice…So this course might be a 1st gear for Benny :lol

exactly there were ppl with 5 speeds that stayed in 1st gear, It would be impossible for me to stay in 1st gear lol

Damn is it THAT tight? (:naughty :rofl)

I need to see it up close :nod

…the track I mean.


I’d slide around on it.

Yeah but first is no fun, always on the rev limiter and shit.

what a waste of gas… i’d be sitting at 6000 easly.

How would hitting the rev-limiter (fuel-cut) WASTE gas, and why would I try to conserve gas while drifting? :rofl

and :wtf do you mean you’d be sitting at 6k easily? That shit doesn’t even make sense!

Who care’s about wasting gas? You’ll be spending more money on tires.


this reminds me I need to grab a set of beat wheels and cheap tires this winter :nod