Drift ops Shannonville video

Hey guys, here is a couple clips from the day from my 84 200sx.


holy shit Jon! Nice driving!

Thanks buddy!

I have to be honest that car sounded awful, but it did well! It was funny to watch the civic out there too.

Haha there is a reason the car sounded so awfull. The entire exhaust got ripped off 2 hours into the drift day. See for yourself :slight_smile:

lol it’s amazing at how well you were sliding that civic. I watched it a 2nd time and enjoyed it just as much as the first.

lol the civic drifting is jokes…

Lol is it just me or did it seem like his civic was drifting much better than that black s13 in front of him?

Hahah yah its jokes drifting that thing.

Drifting RWD is smooth and gracefull.
Drifting a civic is painfull and just wrong. I guess thats why its so much fun!

HAHAHAHHAHAH, wicked vid.

You drift better in a Civic than tonnes of people in a S chassis…including ME! hahah. Manjiing a Civic is gangster.

Haha Thanks!