Drifting tonight?


went out after work in officemax parking lot by rotterdam mall, there was a little hill got my touge fix in :lol

its your sig creature man…ppl are afraid you are a mutant species now breeding… :ninja


i just wanna say that, tonight was def epic and meena and ankin kickass and everybody , EVERYBODY, who didnt answer their phones (well only like 4-6 people since my contact list has like 8 lol ) def suck !

grand market is the pos of the year LOL

and i didnt stop on the grass dude seriously shit was spinnin since the street and lol it sunk in the grass and stopped… for real LOL

damn, epic fail but at the same time was kinda fun

Thanks for calling me Singh…

i had fun ripping through the streetzz of rotterdam and schenectady where else do you guys meet up?

I went drifting with my dad in his 2wd f150 work truck. He was braggin about the Nokian’s he had on it, so i had to show him whats up. We have a big L shaped parking lot(s) in town. the lots connect and makes for a 500 yard or so left or right drift and you use the grassy bank as a clipping point. I can come off the rt30, swing it to the right, then flik it to the left and carry the drift for both parking lots and kiss the clipping point for a while. He was shittin bricks, once he looked over and saw 60mph!

I have to dig out and compress the video we made last year for my brothers ski movie. It was a sick drift segment in a Honda Oddysse minivan! The kick on kick off e-brake is very nice!

Did you shoot any video??

anyone for doing this again tonight if the roads/parking lots are good for it?

for the record…Singh called me at 3:40am :confused ya douche, ofcourse I’m not going to roll out of bed and drift!

Ask a drifter, any real drifter, and they’ll tell you… it doesn’t matter if it’s 330 in the afternoon or 330 in the morning… driftin’s driftin’.

soo last night at 3:30 in the morning… :lol

yea he called me too. SINK!1!

really?! I thought driftin’ was called something else when done at night… :nuts


:rofl nice.

singh u called me at 330 am asshole… some of us have real jobs :tong

Stuff like that i dont get mad about. should of just came to the door. i left 5 mintues later to go out and have fun.

Go back to Jersey. :runaway

ill go live in his house down there. 240 madness :excited

lol oh what a night… and now that i have been awake for 37 hours bc of your shenanigans, i think im going to go to bed now… :ninja

Trust me, as soon as my house up here sells (whenever that will be with this shit economy) im movin back to jersey FAST :banana