drifting with a nismo aero "KNIFE"


anyone want to put this on their car? lol

seen before…sick trick…silvia ftw!!:R

we should put that on our cars just in case some hondas get out of line. :wink:

i’m in!:GH

lol get some mad gangwarfare in… TNC vs. Honda tech… i dunoo man, alot more honda’s than nissans.


sweet vid. now i need to find the whole thing lol… :A

lol, it would be like the game carmaggedon, hit pedestrians for points

ha 10 points for a random old school reference.

I’ll be casually switching sides… after I slice J00 Tyres MANG!!

Then there’d be no running away… :smiley:

Pfft numbers mean nothing! didn’t you watch 300? comeon now you know Nissan drivers have more skill heh "D "D

they are the elite =]

Automotive Phalanx! Skylines and Z’s should be at the front lines…