
very well put chris, i allmost had to post and say how pissed off i was at the eco2.2 wutever guy but u did it for me! i cannot believe that guy saying that shit about you…i would like to know who the hell he is and how does he know me or allen?

and sorry to say this brandon but drifting ur Z32 was not the brightest idea u have ever had! and when u got that understeer u should have pulled e-brake or just shut er down! we have a place called Exhibition grounds no curbs and a big open area!

Well congrats, I figured (assumed sorry for false assumption) that you were one of the several, who just so happened to have ah old of daddies balls and got him to fork out 15 grand for a skyline through allen. and also for further reference, both the new sunfire and cavalier run a 2.2/2.4L Ecotec… and just so I leave on a good note, i’m not one of the idiots who flew my car into a curb going at these speeds, and I do not drive a cavalier FYI… anyways, thanks for the boast about your car and life etc… I’ve got respect for you guys who actually do know what they’re talking about, and aren’t just getting ahold of daddies retirement funds or what ever funding theyre getting to buy these imports.

You better be sorry…

Just kidding. Easy now. :smiley:

You better be sorry…

Just kidding. Easy now. :D[/quote]

u are right…he better be sorry!

hahaha this thread is funny.
:finga: to the “driftors” :finga:

Something tells me you really like that finger :finga:

Yes, matt is an asshole who hates everyone other than himself…meaning he has to use those fingers quite often on himself…if you know what i mean…

yes and it feels so good. you should try it sometime

Id rather use your fingers matt… :lol:

Kill yourself. Fakin homos. I hate american rice. Figure your lives out. Water for a burnout?? Spend some time in the garage you gay tools. I love you chris, allen and robert p-unit.

you could but its gonna cost you.

well now, that was interesting, I leave for one evening and this is what goes on. And to think I could have participated instead of siting in the tub drinking Carona all night long jerking off.

i couldnt find the drifting videos? i think u forgot to post them up?

HAHAHA I wish i had seen this earlier.
Those hurt cases should have used bleach rather than a water/ice combo for their burnouts.

The guy with the z32 will have a fun time finding one of those wheels in north america.

fuck ya lethbridge rules

I can’t believe nobody’s said this yet: OWNED!

I’ve had my share of run-ins with stationary objects. Nothing to large at high speeds luckily. Thankfully I don’t have to deal with those types of things anymore but man, curbs and guys who clearly haven’t got the first clue what they’re doing…bad news fellas.

Looks like the majority of those cars were FWD anyway :roll:
B-Wurm :smiley:

i remember that guy in the 300 posting on here or beyond about how he messed up his rims. And i remember when his car when it was still in japan such a nice 300.

man, now thats understeer. should have watched the driftbible a couple of times to remember, when you encounter understeer, just pull the good old ebrake.

this is why we have organized events. look how fast that dude was going around that corner.

but hey learn how to control your car before starting doing corners like that.

not enough heat in this thread … lets keep it going


Heat? Calgary > Edmonton > Lethbridge :E