How many of you have the guts to drift your Baby?

Title says all :smiley: .

Got a Nice 2x1 foot mark on my passenger door from hitting the pylon sideways at 100km/h :+

damn… yeh i saw you drive at cscs… i got some futtage on my friends cam… ill try and get it off him you made a sweet drift around that first corner hard as hell but all the way around was fkn sweet:R only thing that was bad was the damn pavement it sucked…

Haha yup, the pavement was uneven and had different surfaces, so it was like grippy, slippery, grippy, slippery :S

OT: Zep, it’d be great if you could fire over those footage to me! :smiley: Appreciate it!

not I said the cat.

on the street ?? rarely

Track wise of course :rolleyes:. points to pics in first post

I did last may before i put the volks on.

I’m tempted to do it when I put the stocks back on but I really need to make those pilots last till next year.

Sweet! Got pics?

i did.
Lost them all when my computer crashed.
the pix weren’t that good anyway.
bad photographer + bad drifter = bad pictures.

On dry pavement, NO. Unless if someone can sponsor me tires.
On snow covered pavement, YES

^^ You’re scared to drift simply for the sake of tires?

Get some extra set of rims and some tires.
I have like eighteen 18’s tires in my garage, (including the ones on my car now) LOL!!

I got a pair of them from Samson for $20. Hahaha. Other tires were really good deals as well. On top of that, 14 of them are AA traction rated :smiley:

What you should really worry about is… rock chips and paint…

haha dunno after new paint job im kinda iffy lol…ill try eventually

I want to learn how to drift, but frankly, I’d rather do it in a beater RWD car than in my brand new baby.

am i even allowed on the track? i have a roadster someone at a carshow told me i would need a rollcage for my ZR ?

Yes some events will allow you without rollcage. Your stock rollbars should be good enough. Softtop has to be up as well. I remember reading the rules somewhere.

The Z’s actually very stiff and solid, so the ZR should be able to handle it.

ill be tracking my car next year hehehe