DriftOps Track Day - Sunday June 20th! - WHOLE DAY!

Lets do this! DriftOps June 20th.

The date is BOOKED!!! Get your tires ready, and your suspension right. Whether you’ve been out only a few times like myself or a seasoned drifter come out! This is perfect day to develop your skills. Don’t be shy . FWD/LAPPING accepted, as long as they are aware this is a DRIFT Day! no complaining…

Where: Shannonville Nelson Circuit
Date: Sunday June 20th, 2010
Time: 9am to 5pm (FULL DAY!!)
Cost: $140 to $170
Track Layout: http://www.shannonville.com/body/tra...p?track=nelson

Is everyone game?

We will accept Prepay of $140 until June 9th. Anything after or at the track will be $170. Additional Drivers will be $30.

If you want to come out, please send Wayne(enyaw) and myself a PM or email with the following information:

Name: Joe Jackass
Car: Honda Civic
Email: joeshmuck@douchebag.com
Number: 555-123-4567

3 ways to pay:

EMT (preferred) - send to wayneklee@gmail.com
Paypal (add $5 for fees) - send to wayneklee@gmail.com
Cash drop off - Arrange with Wayne or Myself for time/place to meet

Why would you want to prepay?

  • It’s cheaper!
  • You are guaranteed a spot at the event
  • You will be cool
  • You will get a fuzzy feeling inside knowing that you are helping support the Ontario drift community


Everyone who prepays will have a chance to win their spot in the next drift/lapping day!

Mike - 647-204-6096 FB: Michael Fernandez
Wayne - 647-299-0528

It’s ON…like donkey kong.


  1. Mike - (em_5ive)
  2. Wayne - (enyaw)
  3. Harmit (Gyani)
  4. Lucas Johnson
  5. Phil P. - 97240sxSR20
  6. Roel - rmallari
  7. Anthony (Blade)
    8 ) Irff (Irff)
