Driftstar Practise Session 5: Media Thread!

this is it guys, post up whatever you have…

I took some pics but they are all pit shots, I was unable to take pictures while I was driving due to obvious safety issues.

My car after a good thrashing

urethane is always a good call lol

pit stop

uber artistic night shot

soooo yah guys post up whatever you have, and if anyone has video from any of the sessions this year email it to Jover so he can compile a year end video.

I have to resize/host all of mine… or maybe I’ll just give them to Sasha and he can do it and host them on ILSP or something.

cant wait for moree :twisted:

muhaha you can see me in the second last picture standing infront of my talon

I’m dropping off the film tomorrow and Ralph took 2 rolls to get developed as well.

For now, enjoy this:


Jover, what a beautiful picture!

The sunset really looked nice near the end of the day. Are there more pictures like that?

I’m looking forward to these pictures even more now!!

I’m jealous.

damnit being a broke ass student with a boro ka SUCKSSS

next year, no broke ass engine shit.

stock ka = money saver= more track time

i wana drift night

Where the hell is Jover in that sunset pic? :shock:

i got a pair

where the pics at???

Justin hook it up dawg! lol

Justin and Ralph Chop Chop Yah…

Thread moved back, read front desk if u want the drama.


sikk, thanks alot, cant wait for more pics guys, jover is still developing i think

ok its been an fukking week almost, how hard is it to toss some pics on the net and post a link to them?!

Seriously :scratch: All that complaining to get this thread back and nothing new!

fa la la la la the film is probably somewhere in the dark room being eevvverrrr soooo slooowwwllllyyyyy developed… or else

here i took a pic of the tires for you to look at while the other pics are coming, this is an appetizer for the drift pics lol, i used all these during track day, the ones in the back (the good pair) i ran on the front, and the 6 stacked vertically i destroyed this track day, the 6 i jsut got balanced before the weekend and theyr all gone in one day… wtf


i have pictures of my tires too…



This thread needs more pictures of worn tires, and blurry pictures of
everything else. :hsugh: