Driving Aids making people lazy and dangerous?

Would you not consider Mirrors an aid? Or the blind spot warning system?

How about the auto rev match? I’d say thats an aid…

I’d say everything Ive mentioned is an aid

Hell some of the “comforts” you mentioned I’d consider aids as well. It’s just how the AID affects a person, power steering isnt going to make someone lazy, they might not know wtf is going on right away if their P/S ever went but Its not making drivers lazy. But it aids them in making turning easier…

What is an aid? Something to help or assist someone, to make easier

AC, power Locks/Windows/seats etc are not aids, they don’t make the act of driving easier on a driver, they make it more pleasent…

The line your drawing between the two (comfort and aid) isnt as clear cut as that, a comfort can also be an aid, and vice versa…

Ok now you’re thinking too hard :rofl

The only aide I have that isn’t required by law is a passenger side view mirror.

Oh and a manual clicky-dimming rear view.


:lol Yours even shifts for you, they call it an automatic.

The synchro rev feature on my Z is amazing though, perfect down shifts every time.

IMO driving aids make inattentive drivers safer, if a lady can’t be bothered to check her blind spot than the blind spot assist helps. If the blind spot assist fails than what changes? Shes back to driving like she did before she had the feature.

I wish I had a feature like the blind spot assist on my car, its just about impossible to see in my blind spot with anything other than the mirrors.

Also its crazy how many fail safes and warning systems the cars have when any of those systems have a fault, in an S class you have like 5 different warnings going off in the cluster if you have an issue with something like cruise control. Its not like your going to not know your system isn’t working and let your adaptive cruise control drive you into a wall at a hundred.

I has none of these “creature comforts” I DD 92 Civic CX :lol So that makes me not lazy amirite?

Ok but you’re missing one basic principle IMO.

The people who are going to merge into a car because they are not going to pay attention are going to do so without the aid. So if you add the working condition aid, you are a step forward. If the aid fails, the person is just where they would be if they never had the aid in the first place.

So I wouldn’t say the AID is harmful, I would say it is helpful.

No doubt its helpful…

You still missed my point, its not just the retards who can’t look before they merge, but good drivers who may become spoiled by an AID such as the blind spot warning, and become lazy stop looking. What if it stopped working one day, the never heard/saw a warning and merged into someone?

Now Im not saying this is going to happen on a massive scale, nor am I saying it may happen at all, I bet most people who own cars with these type of features will be trading them in and getting new ones before they even have a chance of going bad, and as said earlier I’m sure the dash will light up like x-mas if any sensor goes bad.

More or less just how I feel it will make people too dependent on the car itself to do all the work rather than there own ability to drive safely.

People suck at driving. Computer-assisted driving aids = correction for their lack of driving skill = less accidents = lower insurance for Alpineskiier.

I don’t remember the basis of the story, but didn’t you stuff your Cobalt into a guiderail not too long ago?

Not trying to be a dick, but… Well… I don’t know.

Thats a very ignorant statement…

Especially coming from someone who is younger than a lot of the guys on here and not driving nearly as long

(No im not much older than you, just saying)

That was all photoshopped. :wink:

I meant in everyday driving, people suck as in they don’t pay attention to what they are doing. It doesn’t require experience to have an attention span, but if a car is going to have a blind-spot assist and some dope is thinking about switching lanes without looking, wouldn’t the beep be more helpful than the other person t-boning another vehicle and causing an accident?

Sure driving assists making drivers more lazy, but it isn’t just the auto industry that’s doing this, either.

when you do, grab his keys so i can take the subby :tongue