Driving test


Pull out your tire-iron, throw it at the fire trucks valves, which will fire cold water towards you and the pig. Turn your wipers on too see the pig jump, from being startled. At that point speed up, while its airborn, and it will roll right over your car into its spinning death. Which also takes out the helicopter.



eat the pig?

umm…wait till the fire engine passes , you never said it was a larger than 2 lanes, so i am asumming the firetruck will drive right pass you…then pull into the oncoming traffic lane and pull a U turn

Wait for the carousel to stop spinning?

Only thing I can think of with all that random shit

hit the brakes and pray for the best.

^ good point.

i bet its a carousel!



I edited it and came up with a better way.

lol, that’s pretty good.

I was like, driving test = reality

galloping pigs = not reality

nor is all that other shit

constant speed, everything traveling… lol

I thaught he was droppin some serious acid:gotme:


get out and attempt to rape the pig

repeatedly and as violently as possible despite your relative size

determination > pig


u neva stated which way the fireengine was going so ill assume opposite so all you have to do is wait for him to pass.

Bahahaha, Joel’s answer > *
