what to do.

haha got this in an e-mail, thought it was pretty funny.

You are driving in a car at a constant speed. On your left side is a ‘drop off’ (The ground is 18-20 inches below the level you are traveling on), and on your right side is a fire engine traveling at the same speed as you. In front of you is a galloping horse which is the same size as your car and you cannot overtake it. Behind you is another galloping horse. Both horses are also traveling at the same speed as you . What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation?

  • Get your drunk ass off the merry-go-round. *

i would say **** it and just run over the horse in front. hehehe



He got caught by the white letters! I would slow down gradually?

speed up and fly off the ledge and hope to land on something deadly that would make a big explosion… therefore you would go out in style… cus hitting a horse wouldnt be too fun… ohh wait this isnt real im just drunk.

and haha ya the white letters…

get off the merry-go-round you drunk! (can you put dashes between 3 words lol?)

If your driving a beater that ain’t worth shit, just ram one of them and be on your merry way :rolleyes:

Get back on the RIGHT side of the road and go behind the fire truck when it passes.

hijack the fire truck and invite the horses in for a sexy party

bahahahaha wtf borat?!?

be all 2f2f and hope ur car can take it.