Fruck you to the blue Impala

I was coming home from hockey at Hockey Outlet around 1pm this afternoon. On the 190 going towards Buffalo. This all happened right around the Dunlop plant. I go into the fast lane, (left lane) and a silver escort is doing exactly the speed limit, same speed as the car to the right of him, so I have nowhere to go.

This F*CKING ASSGOBLIN in a blue impala, early 90’s style, comes FLYING up on my, and rides my ass so close I’m amazed he wasn’t hitting my rear bumper. sandwiching me between him to the rear (must have been inches away) and the escort in front of me. So finally the escort gets into the right lane, and I don’t make any hurry to haul ass after mr jerkoff rode my ass.

I get out of the way, into the right lane


he cut right into me at where my fender was, I had to swerve onto the shoulder and brake hard.

fucking a he almost killed me.

i keep going, hes in front of me going 100+mph now. He gets off at Main st, so do I. We’re stopped at the light together. we both have our windows down. he says “hey I know you” and smiles. I’m fucking livid at this point. I was so pissed.
at the next light I scream “what is this a fucking joke to you? you could have killed me there.”
He goes “learn how to drive.”
I scream “where the fuck did you want me to go!@ There was a car RIGHT in front of me!” (and I mean like inches).
I followed him back to 129 E. Utica where he got out, and didn’t look at me sitting at the foot of the driveway, and started walking toward the backyard. There were more people there so I honked and said “I’ll stop by and see you some time soon.” and got out of there.

I have never had somebody do something so stupid, or so malicious and blatantly fucking wrong in my driving career


[…] blue impala, early 90’s style […] FUCKING ASSHOLE […] 129 E. Utica […]


All I need to know. :snky:

wow, glad you didn’t get hit dude. Hope he gets whats coming to him.

im not sure i woulda let him leave the stop light after that…actually i know i wouldnt have… good thing you made it out safe

That’s seriously shitty dude. I would have dragged him out of the car and stomped him. What did he look like though, I drive that area often and would enjoy giving him the finger.

I would have called 911 with a plate number and tell the cops you saw him drinking a beer while driving eratically. Fuck him, fag ass impala rollin tool.


Road rage much? Shitty as hell that he tried to run you off the road, but just be glad that you had the skill to avoid him and get on with your life.

was he a tall skinny white kid by any chance?

Yeah you should have called the cops

People like that are assholes. Same thing happened to me on the thru way a few years back. Slow drivers need to stay out of the fast lanes I dont think they realize what they can cause. Defanitly glad though nothing bad came out of that for you though. I walked away witha speeding ticket for trying to get out of this dickheads way…

he was probably 35, reddish brown hair. mustache that kind of went down, like a goatee. kinda like paul tuttle but not as extreme. i wanted to whoop his ass when I found out where he lived, but I figured it would probably have more effect if I said I would come by another time

so, was chasing him & risking further altercation worth it in the end? he has prolly forgotten about you, yet you sit here venting.


Made for a real good story.



so, was chasing him & risking further altercation worth it in the end? he has prolly forgotten about you, yet you sit here venting.



meh, I’m not too mad about it. i don’t think i was really risking anything, I mean I was kinda pissed at the time and granted hes not a small dude, but I think I would have whooped his ass.

I doubt it would have even come to that though. also, I didn’t create a situation where I would be at risk. and yes, I think him seeing the fact that I saw where he lives would make him think twice about it

got road rage

awesome reply. caniblowyou?

well did u at least get a chance to change your tampon after this? i bet that was a bloody mess, oh and you should have thrown your purse at him. that would have really got him going…


If someone decides to ride my ass that close, I usually just stay infront of them and match the speed of the car next to me (if possible). I usually get some cheap amusement when they start getting pissed and overly animated.

Honestly, get his plate and report it to the DMV. It might not do much now, but karma’s a bitch.