cruising home from school today....

long story short i was driving too fast in the right lane and an escape followed me … looked like he was calling my plates in over a radio … guess i should not have tried to see what the car could do until im on the back roads

seems like you were driving like a moron.


And he was probably on a cell phone plugged into the charger… LOL

nope not being a moron … i was in a straight away no cars and i was going about 60 when I decided to punch it because there was no one in front of me ( i wanted to see how well it spooled up) … then he decides to tail me and …you know the rest

and when I say lane from lane … I mean just switching back and forth so he could pass me , but he never did

---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:53 PM ----------

no i t wasnt a cell phone lol … he was talking into a radio … Im not an idiot , just never had this happen … I normally drive like an old man , but the one time I try to open it up this happened …

---------- Post added at 02:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 PM ----------

no i t wasnt a cell phone lol … he was talking into a radio … Im not an idiot , just never had this happen … I normally drive like an old man , but the one time I try to open it up this happened …

please re-read.then tell me your not driving like a moron.

Dark blue? Would you say navy blue?

ok so it reads like I was driving like a moron … so maybe if I say it differently … I was in the right lane going 60 … no cars around … I punch it to about 85-90 to see how it spools up and pulls… i let go off the gas and am slowly rolling back down to 60 … this is all in about a 30 - 45 second span. he pulls right behind me , almost bumper to bumper i move so he could pass me and he follows for 2 lane changes back and forth… now he is talking into something … Still no other cars … I am approaching the 400 ramp and take the turn nice and fast to see how the tires stick . ( i figure he is just trying to follow me for whatever reason he saw fit) im on the outside and he is on the inside , I slowed down to see if he would pass and he didnt … so I got off at seneca street and he cut across the lane to follow … Im going slow down the off ramp and he is right on my bumper so i pulled to the shoulder of the road and put on the flashers til I saw him turn … then I just went home.

I figured he was a volunteer trying to read my plates in …
Yes I was driving a bit fast , but I didnt nothing retarded to anyone or anything . … I only opened it up cuz I had zero cars by me untiul the escape decided to chime in

---------- Post added at 03:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 PM ----------

i wouldnt say navy really … it was lighter than navy … perhaps kinda like the blue in this link


I bet it was someone just being a dick :]

I’d do it if I could.

So you didn’t get pulled over? Why worry?

One time long ago I pulled a little wheelie down Sheridan, barely breaking the speed limit. Shortly after as I’m just cruising, this guy comes barreling out of nowhere in a Malibu. He WAS a cop, and pulled along side me, screaming and waving his badge, telling me to pull over. Long story short, I did pull over, No ticket, but he had a radio in his car and called in my liscense.

I think if he was a cop or could “call in”, he would have approached your side when he had a chance to pass, and would have tried to get you to stop.

If he was a cop perhaps he called in your plates and they came up clean. There’s many scenarios but I wouldn’t worry its not like you’re going to get a knock on your door.

Lol, you weren’t “cruising” home from school. Cruising involves relaxed driving following the speed of other cars around you. You were driving like a cock

Don’t forget the yacht rock: