Lol. This is not working.
I know its fuckin dry out there when it comes to subarus.
lets regroup and try again tomorrow lol
For reference:
Oh no shit! :rofl I know exactly who you are now, I really had no clue and thought you were some random jamoke hopping on here and talking shit.
Yeah ill admit failing on introducing myself I’m sure it would’ve prevented some of the friction, So that’s my bad. I don’t know you personally.but I know your affectionately called Red Rubin lol. Your friends with my best friend Tom too I believe.
tom who ?
i have nooooooo idea who that is haha
i know now, i remember, DRocks a good kid, i remember him, chill guy. no need for all this shit.
None of these photos are even remotely bad ass
Agreed, lotta fail.
not quite sure what i did to warrant being called a fag and nut swinger, besides replying with a funny joke. i never had a problem with you and i thought we were cool, but to straight up call me out on the internet over fucking pictures is exactly childish. :wtf
:facepalm @ all
:lmao @ Mark